7 Ways to Improve Typing Speed to 100 wpm

How to Get to 100 WPM in Typing: 7  Proven Hacks

Are you looking at hitting 100 Words Per Minute (WPM) in typing speed? Frankly, less than 5% of typists around the world can type 100 WPM. No wonder, it’s one of those typing speed targets that can seem far-fetched, especially if you are a beginner. Don’t fret,though. We are here to help you hit the 100 WPM milestone! This article will delve into some of the proven hacks that can get you from a novice to such a pro-level typist in record time.

Measure your typing speed

For starters, you can’t fix what you can’t measure! So, the best place to start is to know your current WPM typing speed.

Well, you can use online tools to learn your WPM speed and accuracy. In fact, there are websites like Typingclub.com and Keybr.com that offer online speed tests in gamified form for your typing practice.

At the end of the game the WPM speed score is given which allows room to track your own progress.

Tip: Remember to keep taking these speed tests periodically to track your progress.

Set up your typing environment

When it comes to typing, posture is pretty everything. This is why it is super important for you to have a personal typing space.

You could begin by setting up a desk and chair that are at a comfortable height. Ideally, when typing your feet should be flat on the floor and your elbows at a 90° angle to avoid straining your back.

Aside from posture, lighting also does matter. So, your typing space should have just the right amount of light to avoid eye strain. Of course, you don’t want to be nursing a headache after your typing session!

Even more important, you want your typing space to be in a place with the least distractions possible.

Focus on touch typing

One other vital step to mastering typing is learning hand-eye coordination. This is what touch typing is all about. You want to be able to use all your fingers and type without looking at the keyboard.

The beauty is that there are some nice typing lessons that provide animated lessons with a mimic of a human hand to show the learner which finger goes where.

This is perfect for polishing that touch typing skill and with consistent practice you’ll get to 100 WPM over time.

Practice! Practice! Practice!

Practice always makes perfect and it does apply a lot in typing. Yes, speed typing is not an overnight learned skill as opposed to what many believe. This is one of the skills that is cultivated with hardwork and you guessed it right. Yes, it is time to set aside those 15-20 minutes a day to ramp up your WPM.

There are several platforms like TypingBird that provide animated typing lessons and exciting typing games that are nothing like the boring traditional drills. You can find practice lessons that come in the form of anything from space themed games to racing games. There is pretty much something for everyone.

And best part, you get to be your own master and go at your own pace. Who says typing practice has to be boring?

Focus on accuracy first

It might seem contradictory but to boost speed, accuracy must be at the forefront. When typing say in a real life scenario like assignments or projects we aim to avoid any sort of mistakes and a lot of time is spent using the space bar to erase these mistakes in cases where autocorrect does not work.

To get to your dream speed the mistakes must be minimal. Aim for an accuracy of about 90% and in no time typing speed will build naturally.

Set reachable goals

One of the best ways to fuel that zeal to hit 100 WPM is to set a goal for each day. For instance if your speed right now is 8 WPM aim to improve it to 10 WPM tomorrow and so on.

Remember that you cannot jump to being a master without the learning process!

Just be patient with yourself and set realistic goals to avoid the discouragement that comes with failure to reach the set goal. It is okay not to reach your goal the first few days of practice, these are the most challenging days of the journey ahead after all but with time the speed is sure to build.

Take regular breaks

Last but not least, while it is true that regular practice is sure to boost your typing speed, you also don’t want to tire your brain too much. Even a thrilling task can become boring after consistent commitment with no breaks. Breaks in between the lessons and practice help the brain unwind and focus more when you get back to it later.

What you should remember however is that the breaks should be short so as not to lose focus.

Bottom Line

Ramping up your typing speed towards 100 WPM might look daunting at first but it’s certainly achievable. With the right mentality and a few of the mentioned tips you are sure to become a master typer in record time. So, get started today and tap into the many online typing practice platforms to help you practice your typing everyday!

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